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I’ve just come across a lovely tradition for Epiphany which could also work as a sermon for kids.

Epiphany houseblessingTraditionally the way to end Epiphany is to bless the house.  In some part of Poland a priest visits all the houses, gathering a procession, blessing each home. Elsewhere various items are taken to church the day before Epiphany to be blessed: water, chalk, and incense.

The blessed chalk is then used to write the date and initials of the three wise men above the main door of the house:

20 + C + M + B + 13

(The date is split into two parts and then C for Caspar, M for Melchior, and B for Balthazar with crosses in between. CMB also stands for Christus Mansionem Benedicat which means May Christ Bless This House.)

So you could have a procession to the front door or your church or home with candlelight and perhaps a star on a long stick.

The wonderful Worshiping With Children website suggests a prayer to be said:

God of doors and homes, bless this home this year and every year.
Bless all who come and go through this door, 
       both those who live here and those who visit.
May all who enter through this door come in peace and bring joy.
May all who come to this door find welcome and love.

May the love and joy in this home overflow 
       and spread into the community and the world.

They also suggest you give out a piece of chalk to every family and the prayer written on a card to take home.

TheMagi HeQi